Purchased from New Castle
27/07/20 07:35
Piedmont-Standard recently purchased a few locomotives and some rolling stock.

The recent additions came from a small coal mining operation in Alabama.
I met Ted McCormack when we were both in the James River Division On30 module group. We have kept in touch over the years since that group disbanded.
Ted had been in N scale before joining the module group. The theme for his On30 modules and new home layout was the New Castle Coal Company, which had been a family operation. Ted had some really awesome old photos of the mining and rail operations that provided reference and inspiration for his excellent modeling.

After a while Ted decided to get back into N scale, and called me to let me know that his On30 inventory was up for sale if I was interested. I was very interested, as Ted has impeccable taste when it comes to such things. He had outfitted the New Castle Coal Company with smaller industrial style equipment which is precisely my intent for the Piedmont-Standard.

I posed some of what I bought from Ted on one of the longest sections of mainline remaining on my layout.

I had the intention of possibly working up a new photo for the website's homepage.

That may be a while in coming, as my wife is working from home nowadays so my computer time is restricted. At least that is my excuse.