
Davis-Murdoch Stone Company

December 2023

Full Mock-Up Mode

Planning for extensions

Discussing my layout with Brian had led to the conclusion that, while construction was still in the early stages, accommodations needed to be made for extending the layout into three rooms again.

A new trackplan for the stone cutting and mill area was drawn up.

The plan showed the long back track exiting the layout room through the hole in the backdrop.

Track and roadbed was pulled up far enough to build a curve that would allow the track to go through the hole.

A cardboard pattern was made for cutting new roadbed and sub-roadbed.

A cardboard pattern was also made for the revised mill trackage.

The revised plan for this section of the layout showed the dust mill in this location. The old slate mill from my JRD On30 module was a stand-in to give an indication of what that would be like. I got the impression that the old locomotive service track was going to have to move closer to the aisle.

In the opposite corner of the layout where I had just flipped the subroadbed to divert tracks into the shop next door, I cut a cardboard pattern. A new turnout would divert traffic to a fiddle yard in the shop or allow continuous running.