
Davis-Murdoch Stone Company

Narrow Gauge in the Details

The beginning of this saga can be found here.

While narrow gauge equipment was not mentioned in the auction information, careful examination of the photos Jim had of the Standard Soapstone inventory indicated it was at the site at the time the operation shut down.

The air pumps and Jenny couplers on this saddletank locomotive indicate it is standard gauge.

Lack of air pumps and couplers on this locomotive lead me to believe it is narrow gauge.

An enlarged detail of a photo of the Standard Soapstone mill after closure shows locomotives sitting in the weeds. One is a standard gauge Heisler. The boxy dark object to its right might be a Plymouth DL gas mechanical locomotive. If so, it was narrow gauge when sold to Alberene Soapstone in Schuyler where it was regauged to standard gauge.


This photo may also show the narrow gauge Plymouth DL. The coupler and air line on the side dump car indicate it is standard gauge, so the Plymouth might in on a parallel narrow gauge track behind the dump car.

Jim had photos of various side dump cars that appear to be narrow gauge.