East of the Blue Ridge

Chronicles of an On30 quarry railroad

June 2008

Dust Mill Yard Complete

The mainline and sidings are finally in place and powered in the Dust Mill and Cove Quarry areas.

I was overly optimistic in estimating the time it would take to install, adjust, power, and program a long string of Tortoise switch machines and Hare stationary decoders. To the very last turnout I was dealing with connectivity and shorting issues. But, as of right now, it all works.

The dump cars on the elevated track are in position to be pushed out onto a trestle that will be built over the crusher at the Dust Mill. The waste stone will be dumped into the crusher, milled into powder, then bagged and stacked on pallets. The boxcars are spotted for loading on the Dust Mill siding. With two quarries and the Cutting Mill providing the Dust Mill with waste rock and cutoffs, the Dust Mill will be loading a lot of boxcars. A string of flatcars sits on the Dust Mill Yard track waiting to be consigned to a quarry for loading, and the Davenport is on the mainline pushing a pair of flatcars to Meridian Quarry.

I imagine this will be a busy spot on the railroad with plenty of work for a crew to do.